Completed 1st cycle of duty after my taiwan trip. Weather for these few days are so hot, and the aircon in my room seems to fail and is unable to produce the once cool air for quite some time already and worse it is having a few short circuits recently, thus mum decided to change the whole aircon system, which will be fixed this coming thursday...
Yesterday night was working as the ground controller and during midnight, this was the timing where most airlines flew to europe, and the most busiest time, runway was 20 configuration and when i took over the position, there was like 10 departing aircrafts on the frequency excluding arrivals, and aircrafts were calling non-stop, not giving chances, (i wonder why they could be so inconsiderate when they are able to monitor the frequency and wanted to add on to the already busy frequency).
Some pilots are selfish even to their own airlines when they know that the latter got priority over him due to AWUT (allocated wheels up time) restriction, sigh...... anyway it was so busy for that half an hour that i juz transmitted "all aircrafts on the frequency, pls standby and do not call, i will call u all due to heavy traffic and taxiway congestion", but there were also some who were understanding and appreciative..... why can't the planners just spread the aircrafts across T2 and T3 instead of cramming all up at the latter...... all rite, enuff of the complaining, its never ending and guess this is what makes this job interesting, challenging yet stressful, anyway its nothing new fighting "war" every night......... kudos to all the 1B guys.....
After morning duty, went for Paintball at Orchid Country Club organised by CAAS, our team were Chee Chong, Khunghui, Adrian Sim and Wong, Pauline, Samuel and me, it was fun and tiring, the shots kenna was quite painful, got one on the chin and a few on various parts, overall it was shiok, won 1 out of 3 matches =p ....... will be celebrating mum's birthday tml evening.......... =) enjoy the weekends......