It had been around 4 months since rach & i married, here is the last part on our wedding trilogy on the 20th June held @ Amara Sanctuary Resort Sentosa, rach & i decided to break the norm of having traditional wedding cuisine, instead we opt for a buffet dinner for our specially invited guests (70 to be exact) for our special day, we also decorated the whole place.... we want our wedding to be a special, heart-warming & a memorable one which people will always rem in time to come..... lots of photos to share below.....

our wedding guest book.....

guests streaming in.....

gift from wawa & gang.....

figurine from YL & CL......
the photo board which elayne, wawa, valerie & saw wei spent thru the night helping us to put up, these were the photos rach & i took over the years..... appreciate their help =)

our journey thru the years....

Ficus room.....

we named each table after a flower =)

CL & YL checking out our photo board.....

rach having her hair done up by jennis....


the chefs preparing the food.....

smoked duck breast....

our $128 per pax menu....

nice desserts....

all ready....

for our 1st march in.....

the guests watching the video montage that i done before the 1st march in...

touching moments that mum cried...

here we go....
cake cutting ceremony.....
dinner starts....

the nice white & red wine bro sponsor =)
night falls.....
drinking time with my kakis.....
a toast to my emcees....
morgan not giving up any chance to get me drunk....
behind the doors....

i was already a bit on the high side....
i love the lightings by the side...
after our champagne pouring, rach & i begin our speech..... my tears flowed as i begin mine, lots of emotions came through, rach also managed to turn on the "tap" of most of the guests who were touched by her speech.... only those who attended our wedding dinner know what she say.... =) (thankfully morgan managed to record the whole duration of our speech in the montage he done for us)