Memory Lane......

Monday, August 29, 2011

Prior to the PE 2011 results......

got up early on saturday morning to have breakfast before casting our votes for the next president, it was our first time exercising our voting rights since our constituency was the only walkover at the last GE........ met up with shaun & wendy for dinner at Ma Maison @ Central, a victorian-themed decoration reside in this japanese restaurant serving japanese-western fusion food...... personally felt the lightnings & ambience made the whole place very soothing & homely, the view offering the nightlife of clarke quay along singapore river is a compliment .......

Ma Maison @ Central........

overlook the riverside & clare quay area.......

the menu.......

clam chowder......

tools for our escargots.....

flamed butter & garlic escargots......

one of their best sellers......

spaghetti with chilli crab roe......

seafood paella......

jumbo hamburger steak.......

homemade grape & mango tart for dessert.......

went to Brewerkz for some beer after dinner, had a great time there while enjoying our soccer before proceeding back to Pinnacle to catch the PE results......

@ Brewerkz

potatoes skin & grilled chicken wings.......

rekindle our craving for swiss roll by visiting Rich & Good Cake Shop @ Kandahar Street which are well-known for their swiss rolls..... =)

Rich & Good Cake Shop @ Kandahar Street.....

nicely wrapped......

cutting into small pieces.......

best when served chill =)

Saturday, August 27, 2011


昨晚出席了在室内体育馆举办的首场张学友1/2世纪演唱会 。。。。。。歌神不愧为歌神,3个小时的深情与落力演唱带动了全场气氛 。。。。。。将会在下一回跟你们分享和上载照片 =)

Monday, August 22, 2011


自从第一次吃到了51豆花之后, 就爱上了它。。。也听说与51 豆花平起平坐甚至还比它更好吃的老伴豆花也不容忽视,所以决定试一试。。。。。。尝过两摊豆花之后,觉得他们的豆花各有千秋,豆花不但滑也非常的顺喉,吃进口里更是入口即化,真的难分难解,两摊我们都很喜欢。。。。。。我们喜欢的程度到了,如果要吃最少要买8盒,回家慢慢享受 =)



51 豆花。。。。。。

51 的草莓口味豆花。。。。。。

最近爱上了甜点,所以上个星期约了 Shaun 和 Wendy 唱了 karaoke 后去 MOF 吃日本甜点。。。。。






我们最爱的品牌之一 - HOLLISTER.......

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


昨天听到了这么一句话, 觉得很有意思 - “人的生活是要越活越安定,而不是越活越任性”。。。。。。

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Happy National Day.......

woke up early in the morning of national day to have breakfast @ Wessex Village..... a laid back location with lush greenery surroundings...... decided on Laurent Bernard Chocolatier among the rest.....

@ Wessex Village......

decided on Laurent Bernard Chocolatier......

liked the laid back ambience......


my daily dose of coffee......

rach's strawberry smoothie.....

my gigantic souffle omelette........

our toasted bread.......

rach's triple sunny side up.......

after breakfast, went for our grocery shopping....... decided to cook our own dinner

chicken patties, potatoes, heart-shaped egg & rach's favourite - garlic!

our pipping hot cream of mushroom........

my medium done beef steak.......

baked beans.......

went up to the 50th storey to watch the fireworks after our dinner & the parade.......

as the night approach......

waiting for the fireworks........

here it goes........

happy birthday Singapore.......

the kids having their own good time.......

the other side of the view.........

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Weeknd Updates.......

spent the last weekend shopping & meeting up with warren & eve for dinner........ managed to ballot for the tickets up our 50th storey skybridge on national day (limit to 1000 tickets on national day) for fireworks =)

one more to rach's Prada collection.......

fly past right through our window.......

dinner - Spizza @ Club Street.......

wat's left before i could take a shot.......