Juz return from 2nd bro's hse for dinner and playing with Baby Zllen.... he's getting cuter everyday =), rach & i went bugis and vivo this afternoon...... and we met up with ZL & YL yesterday for karaoke session, enjoyed ourselves very much...... below are the photos we took yesterday......

singers of the 80's......
who's got the piggy mouth......
act cute......
"kiam pa" look......
us in sketch look.....

last one before gng off......
After our karaoke, went down to tcc @ Keppel Marina, fortunately we made a reservation as it was quite crowded, got ourselves comfortable sofa seats.... had our dinner there and chit chat for a few hours..... feel a bit pai seh to stay so long thus walk around the park opp Keppel Marina before deciding to go for supper @ Jalan Kayu, in the meantime drove there using KPE which had juz opened.......

it does not took us too long to reach our destination with the new expressway...... and there we were, ordering our pratas, satay, thosai and drinks...... =)

all rite, one more cycle before my malacca trip..... will be meeting Valerie there and drove back together on sat for Baby Zllen's "man yue" party on sunday afternoon..... =)