Back from my Ho Chi Minh trip yesterday, touched down at runway 02c at around 8 plus.... the 4 days 3 nights trip was good except it was unfortunate that munyi's camera was pick-pocketed while we were there.....most of the photos we took were in her camera, thus not much photos from my side, shall let the pictures do the talking........

control tower @ VVTS

the traffic @ Ho Chi Minh is overwhelming with motorcycles.... u have to cross the roads bravely despite them driving towards u, their unspoken rule is look out & give way.....

morgan with our 3 x 3000 dong (S$0.30) bus tickets.....
Went to Cu Chi Tunnel, a sophiscated & one of the most complex tunnel in the world built by the VC during the war times......u must really admire their intelligence & hardwork for it, a must visit site when visiting Ho Chi Minh......

on our way to Cu Chi Tunnel.......

sniper hole which can barely fit an adult.....

one of the tunnel entrance.....


getting ready for the tunnel expedition......