Went over to 1st bro's new hse (Rivergate) today with dad, mum, auntie hong & rach..... 1st bro shows us around his unit & all of us love it so much, his unit has balconies, bay window & planter & all offers magnificent view all round...... full amentities & facilities such as sky garden, sky gym, jacuzzi, an extra huge swimming pool etc make it all the more worthwhile...... can't wait for them to move in, after which i will be able to come n swim, n its only a 10 mins drive away from my future house @ Pinnacle..... =)

1st bro's unit.......

love the swimming pool.......

Pinnacle within sight......

our breakfast @ river valley.......

rach & me have decided to go Maldives for our short getaway, as it was quite a last min decision, we were told to be put on the waiting list due to the high season..... hopefully we will be able to get on board....... praying hard..... =)