The 1st part of the trilogy of our big day on the 20th June @ Amara Sanctuary Sentosa. Without further ado, the photos below as taken with credits from Bobby, 2nd Bro, Adrian & Munyi.... a big thank you once again for everyone involved. =)
2.00pm - 2.45pm
everyone getting ready for the 娶新娘........
2.00pm - 2.45pm
everyone getting ready for the 娶新娘........
me with prince zllen......
adrian & auntie hong.....
over @ rach's side......
toy sei m.i.a......
2.45pm - 3.00pm
arriving @ the bride's "room of torture"
3.00pm - 3.45pm
First Stage -面包物语 (Difficulty : Medium)
we have to use our mouth only to grab slices of bread & bite into the shape of " I LOVE U".
warren figuring out how it can be done.....

toysei enjoying himself......
warren getting the hang of it =)
after much struggling.....
here it is.... =)
Second Stage - 天长 (Difficulty : Easy)
I have to find my way up to grab the 挂在天上的香肠=长面包 with my mouth & finished it up without the use of hands.
sisters stating the rules.....
planning our strategy.....
piece of cake.... =)
told u..... hahaha.....

sprained my neck in the process....
Third Stage - 地久 (Difficulty : Hard)
We had to use the straws provided (with holes in between) to finished up 地上的啤酒=久 while standing up straight.
valerie enjoying the "torturing"......
brothers getting down to work......

sisters determined to block us from gng over......
with our straws combined.......
dun look down on us......

we cheated again by blowing out the beer.....
brothers taking over......
toysei finished the last drop......
Fourth Stage - 幸福钥匙 (Difficulty - Easy)
we have to submerge our legs into a pail of bubble foam & using our toes to search for the bride's room key - 幸福钥匙
another easy task =)
the 4 pretty " torturers"...... =)
after gng through the four stages, i am allowed to get over finally.......
here comes the groom.....