rach & i laze around for the whole afternoon before making our way to town for a little walk..... enjoy ourselves having these night walks around =)
Olio cafe @ Marina Square.....
nice & cosy.....
rach making the orders.....enjoying my latte & playing with my cam.....
rach having a try with the 550.....
our mushroom soup......rach's extreme vege penne.....
my teriyaki chicken pizza......
fullerton hotel & the merlion......
before night falls......
magnificent nightscape.....
marina bay sands.......
supreme court......
the helix bridge......
replica of the F1 racing car @ MBS.....
registering our watches.... close-up.....
home sweet home......

失传已久的易筋经,终于在我手上 =p。。。。。。
looking forward to our staycation next weekend =)